Privacy Policy for Virtual Learning Machines Pte. Ltd.

Last Updated: 18th Apr 2024

This privacy policy governs how Virtual Learning Machines Pte. Ltd., (”Qweebi”, “we”, “our” or “us”) collects, uses, and shares information about its users. This privacy policy applies to you when you use our website at, the Qweebi online makerspace, the Qweebi teacher dashboard, and any associated services

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make changes, we will notify you by revising the "Last Updated" date above, and, in some cases, we may provide you with additional notice (such as adding a statement to our website or sending you a notification when you use the app). We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy regularly to stay informed about our information practices and the choices available to you.

Table of Content

  1. Information that Qweebi Collects

  2. Use of Personal Information

  3. Information We Share

  4. Information Users Share

  5. Third-Party Service Providers

  6. Security and Integrity of Personal Information

  7. Removing Content

  8. COPPA Compliance

  9. GDPR Compliance

  10. Contact Information

1. Information Qweebi Collects

A. User Accounts

  1. Two types of user accounts exist on Qweebi- Teacher and Student.

  2. If you sign up with us as a teacher, we collect your name, email, role, school name, school type (public, private, charter, etc.), school address, and grades you teach.

  3. Students (anyone under 18 years old) cannot directly create accounts on Qweebi. Their accounts can only be set up by teachers.

  4. When teachers create student accounts, they provide Qweebi with the following information: student name and username. Teachers may choose to use student names and usernames that do not disclose student identity. Qweebi does not require personally identifiable information for account creation.

  5. Students can log in to Qweebi using the class code and username provided to them by their teacher.

  6. We don’t ask for any personally identifiable information from student users.

B. Automatically collected information

When you access our app, we automatically collect certain information-

  1. Device and Performance Information:

    1. This includes device type, system information like CPU, RAM, OS, application crashes, etc. The purpose of collecting the information is to understand how the service is being used and how to improve it.

  2. Usage Information

    1. This includes tracking user actions such as launching a project, uploading a video, adding objects to virtual makerspace, etc.

2. Use of Personal Information

  1. If you’re a teacher, we may use your personal information to get in touch with you through email or phone to improve our understanding of how you want to use our products and services.

  2. We do NOT collect any personally identifiable information from student users.

  3. The information that we collect while teachers, and students access our app (as defined in 1.B) is used for operating, improving, and maintaining the Qweebi app and developing new products and services.

  4. We may share or publish aggregated information about our users, such as statistics about the number of users using our product, the most popular student challenges, etc., on our website, social media channels, and on any other public platform. We ensure that none of the above updates disclose any personal information about you.

3. Information We Share

As described in the policy above, we do NOT share any personal information about you.

4. Information Student Users Share

  1. The online makerspace allows users to share their screens, turn on their cameras, record their project's show-and-tell video (called project video), and upload it to our private servers.

  2. Users can share their project video in two ways:

    1. By copying a private URL link of their recording and sharing it with friends or family.

    2. Student users can submit their videos directly within the platform, allowing their teacher to view the project video as part of the class activities.

  3. The use of the show-and-tell feature on Qweebi is optional. Users can voluntarily choose to utilize this functionality to share their work with teachers, parents, and peers.

  4. Users have the option to disable their camera and microphone while creating project video recordings.

  5. User video is safely uploaded to our private servers. Only individuals with access to the private URL link of the recording, whether they are users or non-users, can view the student recording.

  6. The recording is not available to anyone else on the web.

  7. We urge users to be careful and thoughtful when deciding to upload or share their show-and-tell video by not disclosing personal information (like their name or location). Qweebi will not be responsible for any personally identifiable information that users provide using these features.

  8. To permanently remove any student content, teachers or parent users can email us at [email protected] with the student identifiable (username and link to the video) that you want to be removed. We will remove the video within 7 working days and inform you regarding the same..

5. Third-Party Service Providers

We use a handful of third-party service providers - other companies that provide software services that help us do business. These are-

  1. Mixpanel

    • Service is used to capture anonymised product metrics for online makerspace.

  2. Unity Gaming Services

    • Used for app crash report and delivering assets and configuration to the online makerspace.

  3. Cloudflare

    • Used for storing and processing project videos and anonymous web analytics.

  4. Sentry

    • Used for online makerspace crash reporting.

  5. Posthog

    • Used for capturing user interactions and events on the teacher dashboard (exclusively for teacher users!)

  6. Intercom

    • Used to provide chat support to teacher users on the teacher dashboard.

6. Security and Integrity of Personal Information

We use Cloudflare as our third-party service provider to store project videos. Cloudflare is compliant with industry standards to secure your data. Here’s the link to their privacy policy to know more.

7. Removing Content Posted By Users

1. Removal of Content

  1. To remove content you have uploaded, you will need to send a request to [email protected] with your username and URL link of the uploaded content.

  2. We will remove the content permanently within 7 working days.

2. Deletion of Account

  1. To delete your account, please follow the steps in 7.1

8. COPPA Compliance

  1. We do NOT require student users to submit any personally identifiable information.

  2. If we learn that we have unknowingly collected a Child’s personal information without legally required parental consent, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible. Parents who believe that their child has submitted personal information to us and would like to have it deleted may contact us at [email protected].

9. GDPR Compliance

  1. We do NOT require student users to submit any personal information.

  2. We do NOT sell any user data that we may collect automatically or shared by users willingly.

  3. We can completely delete user activity data on request. Contact us at [email protected] with your anonymous username.

10. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or wish to contact us, please contact us at  [email protected] or mail us at

  • Virtual Learning Machines Pte Ltd.

  • 68 Circular Road, #02-01

  • Singapore, 049422